
Tuesday, 26 May 2020

STEAM, egg drop

This is a STEAM challange ( scinice technology enginering art maths) and for this task we had build and test a parachut with our egg (jack) with random partners here is my reflection slide.

Friday, 22 May 2020

My end of week reflection

My end of week reflection.

One thing I found hard was the P.E it was fun and hard.
One thing I enjoyed was the P.E because I like to be active.
The highlight of my week is playing dodgeball.
One thing that I achieved is was helping mrs Scutt.
One thing I want to work on is my geometrey.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Compass and direction learning

Today we were given this task, we had fill in the answer about compass'  and direction and write down what we knew about them.